Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Econometric Analysis Of Family Expenditure On Education In Pakistan - A Case Study For Higher Education

Muhammad Waqar
Dr Muhammad Niamat Ullah Khan Babar
Dr Amjad Khan
Saif Ullah
Malik Asfand Yar
Keywords: Education expenditure, PSLM, family head, university type, region, employment status, gender of household, income level, OLS, regression.


This paper assesses family spending on Higher education in Pakistan. It researches the components and variables completing the families spending on schooling utilizing information from PSLM data 2018-19. The results derived from estimation depict that change in the level of degrees, college/Universities type, organizations distance from home, change in area, and change in residency concerning across country sets the expenses of family on higher education. Additionally, an increase in both the number of children and income has also an effect on higher education, as an increase in the number of children and income of family head drives an increase in household education spending. Nonetheless, ends with respect to all factor have positive influence in policy recommendations for education. Further, all revelations can have inferential scope of issues concerning educational implications in Pakistan. These all factors have specific role in the determination of the allocation of budget on education from government side. The OLS (ordinary Least Square) Method and Regression analysis technique used to execute the regression. This method and technique signifies to situation when a model has dependent variable as quantitative. Estimations and outcomes will accomplish the policy and way out of all those complications that are explicated by the variables and explained the education spending from household. 

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