Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

A Comparative Analysis of Reading skills of Early Childhood Education Students and Non-Early Childhood Education Students

Dr. Murtaza Ali Laghari
Dr. Abida Siddiqui
Sumera Khan
Shabana Shaikh
Zohra Khwaja
Sumera Irum
Sabir Hussain
Maqbool Ahmed Jamali
Keywords: Early Childhood Education Students, Non- Early Childhood Education Students, Early Childhood Education Teachers, Reading Skills.


This research aimed at grounding a comparative analysis of reading skills of Early Childhood Education Students and Non-Early Childhood Education Students. Schooling is a systematic way to advance a person's mental, social, and behavioral abilities in order to cultivate a well-rounded individual who contributes positively to society. It has been noted that in the contemporary period, there is a significant demand for not just teaching, but for effective teaching that enhances learning performance. In order to cultivate a more efficient learning experience, it is imperative to establish a solid foundation of knowledge among students, which is primarily rooted in Early Childhood Education. In basic education, reading abilities are given greater emphasis compared to other aptitudes.

The current research study employed a descriptive survey research methodology and a quantitative approach, within the positivist philosophical paradigm. Two distinct questionnaires were designed specifically for educators. There are two questionnaires: one for instructors who teach Early Childhood Education classes and other for teachers who teach Non-Early Childhood Education individuals. The AGRA Tool was utilized to assess the children's reading proficiency. The data was analyzed using SPSS 26. It was found that the majority of the students can read and understand the word which proves that reading, writing and understanding the words at the early stage can be developed successfully. Simultaneously this research study also revealed that there is a significant difference between Early Childhood Education Students` and Non-Early Childhood Education Students` Reading Skills. It was proved that the Early Childhood Education has a positive effect on Students` Reading Skills.

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