Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Assessing The Impacts Of Wind Turbine Noise And Shadow Flicker: A Systematic Approach For Evaluation Of Shadow Flicker And Noise Of Onshore Wind Turbines

Waqar Hussain
Sadia Khan
Minza Mumtaz
Alan N. Cochran
Sana Ullah Memon
Muhammad Sharique Ahmed
Rahul Kumar
Shahid Iqbal
Keywords: Shadow flicker monitoring, noise monitoring, wind turbine, wind energy, sustainability, health and safety.


The wind energy industry is growing at a fast pace globally to overcome the gap between demand and supply. There are effects of the industrial revolution on the communities and biodiversity. The wind industry in Pakistan is also evolving rapidly. Wind turbines have positive and negative impacts on nearby communities, including the annoyance effect of wind turbine noise and shadow flicker. This study was conducted to check the status of noise and shadow flicker monitoring by wind farms in Pakistan. The study also developed a convenient methodology to follow and implement noise and shadow flickering at the wind farms. The study shows that only 17 (47%) wind farms in Pakistan are monitoring shadow flicker and noise effects on communities. In contrast, the remaining 19 (52.8%) wind farms are either monitoring shadow or noise effects on the receptors. Out of 36 wind farms, no wind farm has reported an annoyance case in their record. The systematic approach presented in this study can be a useful tool for noise and shadow flicker monitoring in wind farms worldwide.

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