Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Explore Online Teaching/Learning Preferences Pre And Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Prof. Dr. Tayyaba Zarif
Keywords: Coronavirus pandemic, financial effect, mental effect, natural effect, teleworking, computerized change, psychological wellness, telemedicine, internet business, manageable practices, worldwide economy, urbanization, school systems, air quality, ecological security, general well-being emergency.


The Coronavirus pandemic has stamped one of the main worldwide disturbances of the twenty-first 100 years, generally changing a few parts of human existence. This complete review takes a gander at the world when Coronavirus and looks at the significant changes in the financial, mental, and natural aspects. The pandemic has reshaped the worldwide economy, yet has additionally changed the elements of work, schooling, emotional wellness, and natural maintainability. Through broad examination upheld by models and genuine information, this exploration gives an itemized comprehension of these changes, giving experiences into the pandemic's enduring effect and examples for future versatility.

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