Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Exploring the Regional and Internal Security Challenges at the Dawn of Musharraf Era

Dr. Mohammad Dilshad Mohabbat
Dr. Shahana Maryam
Dr. Unsa Jamshed
Asif Naveed
Muhammad Asif
Keywords: Regional Security, Internal Challenges, Pervez Musharraf, Geopolitical Dynamics, Policy Implications.


This study explores the structure of threats to internal and regional security that arose at the start of the Musharraf regime. This paper aims to provide a thorough analysis of challenging security situation that defined this important juncture in Pakistan’s history. This study demonstrates the intricate interactions between geopolitical tensions, internal instability, and socioeconomic issues that influenced the security landscape during Musharraf's ascent to power. The period was characterized by a wide range of issues that required astute policymaking and strategic thinking, from border tensions to internal discontent. This study emphasizes how crucial it is to comprehend sociopolitical subtleties and historical circumstances while tackling today's security issues. Through a critical analysis of the Musharraf era, policymakers might develop more potent approaches to resolving contemporary security challenges. The study contributes in literature by offering an in-depth look at the security issues particular to the Musharraf regime's early years. This work is a vital contribution to the scholarly discourse on the dynamics of internal and regional security in Pakistan by combining multiple sources and delivering new insights.

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