Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Exploring the Role of Higher Education Commission's Research Policy in the Career Development of University Faculty

Dr. Ayesha Afzal
Dr. Irfana Rasul
Fiza Zia
Iqra Munir
Dr. Shahid Rafiq
Keywords: Higher Education Commission, Research policy, Career development, University faculty.


Pakistan is a country where we see strong teaching traditions at the university level but a feeble research culture. Researchers are more concerned with the increase in the number of publications for career development than work quality.  This paper's core aim was to discover the role of the Higher Education Commission's research policy in university faculty's career development; the approach opted for the purpose was document analysis using the evaluative content analysis technique. Six research policies were purposively selected. Seven themes were drawn from these policies: Research Skills Training, Self-Assessment & Value, Career Awareness, Future Goal Setting, Skills Training and Performing and Action Planning, and Skills boosting external opportunities.  The findings conclude that HEC research policies do not directly lead the faculty career development in Pakistan; however, the policy objectives and directed activities indirectly support university faculty's career development. Moreover, the scope of HEC policies is limited regarding the provision of research fundings. This study may be considered fruitful for several possible explanations and explorations regarding HEC policies for research as a career development opportunity among Pakistani universities' faculty.

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