Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Poetry As An Epistemological Discourse Qutoof Of Pain 1 By Ahmed Mufdi As A Model

Dr. Imane LACHI
Dr. Hanane Hattab
Keywords: poetry, knowledge, history, criticism, postmodernism.


Ahmed Mufdi transfers poetry from emotion and feeling to the thesis and saying, and thus ensures it an appropriate environment for this intellectual vision, when you read for this poet, you feel that you are in front of a speech that analyzes facts and events and presents a system of saying that relies on thought, awareness, and investing in history, Poetry was accustomed to dwelling in fragile emotional areas so such a style of writing became located in solid, realistic areas that were resistant to images, metaphor, and other poetic methods.

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