Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Feminist Perspective Of Kate Chopin`S ‘The Awakening’: A Textual Analysis

Amna Zahid
Dr. Mian Shah Bacha
Maeda Shakil Mirza
Rubya Shaheen
Ayesha Shakeel
Bakht Sheema Bibi
Keywords: Feminism, Awakening, Patriarchy, Freedom, Restrictions.


The research study's objective is to evaluate and examine the feminism present in Kate Chopin's book, ‘The Awakening’. The central themes of the narrative are Edna's troubled marriage and mental suffering. As a feminist, Edna overcomes patriarchy by coming to terms with her identity. Using liberal feminism theory, the current study is non-numerical and descriptive in nature, highlighting patriarchal influences and their impact on women. Using a textual analysis approach, the researcher assesses, examines, and interprets the words, phrases, dialogues, symbols, and events of Kate Chopin's selected work, "The Awakening" (2018) in light of the two most prominent feminist critiques, Simon De Beauvoir (1908–1986) and Marry Wollstonecraft (1759–1797). As the story gets more complicated, Edna, the main character, exhibits bold behavior, confronts patriarchy, and breaks social standards. Edna suffers in her cold, materialistic marriage to a patriarchal husband. She is an advocate for equality and rejects the idea that the soul is shackled. She rebels against patriarchy's restrictions and questions social norms. The study concludes that women's independence and autonomy are restricted by laws and regulations made by men. Women who come into contact with these regulations experience uneasiness and emotional difficulty. When women strive for independence and self-governance, they violate the moral standards of patriarchal cultures.

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