Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Persuasive Communication In Mosque Discourse And The Elements Of Its Success

Abdelmalik saouli
Keywords: Persuasive communication, Mosque discourse, Ingredients of success.


The imam is considered the pivotal figure in society, and the mosque is the first institution in which a Muslim joins after leaving the family institution. One of the advantages of the mosque is that nothing is required of its visitors except Islam and purity, as those entering it receive the basic principles of life after performing the prayers. Indeed, the mosque. It was a place of worship, a courthouse, and a barracks for preparing armies, and where (zakat) money and other social works and activities were distributed. Therefore, it was necessary for the imam to be extremely prepared to receive the guests of the Most Gracious, with the knowledge, morals, and good speech he was given to convince the public to sanctify the mosque, and to learn the rulings of Islam.  And making it a place for Muslims to meet to solve their problems and discuss their issues during daily and periodic occasions, and these are the elements of its success. It can also be supported by media and communication technologies so that we can perform broader and more important roles in it, not only at the local level but also at regional and global levels.

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