Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Factors Influencing The Customer Loyalty Towards Milk Tea Top Brands In China

Jinghua Xu
Thitinant Wareewanich
Thitinan Chankoson
Keywords: Perceived quality, Brand image, Experiential marketing, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty.


This research investigates the influence of perceived quality, brand image, and experiential marketing on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for top Chinese milk tea brands. Perceived quality, as consumers' subjective evaluation of product or service quality, plays a crucial role in purchase decisions. This research, through a literature review and quantitative surveys, found that perceived quality significantly impacts customer satisfaction. This association can be explained from the perspective of the economic theory of utility maximization, where consumers seek to maximize their utility in the buying process, with perceived quality playing a vital role. Furthermore, the research results highlight the positive impact of perceived quality on brand image and how it, in turn, influences customer loyalty. These findings have been corroborated in multiple independent studies. Experiential marketing has also been proven to have a positive impact on brand image, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. By providing unique consumer experiences, brands can enhance their image, improve customer satisfaction, and encourage more loyal customers. This conclusion is supported by other researchers in the field. Additionally, the research results emphasize the critical role of the continuity and consistency of brand image in establishing and maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty. Brand image should remain consistent over time to build trust and encourage long-term customer loyalty. In conclusion, these findings offer valuable insights and guidance for the market strategies and consumer relationship management of Chinese milk tea brands. They underscore the crucial role of factors like perceived quality, brand image, and experiential marketing in enhancing satisfaction and loyalty. This research has practical applications for businesses in building their brands and fostering customer loyalty, providing strong support for future market strategies for Mixue.



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