Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Adiponectin Level In Transgenerational Chronic Stress Rat Model: Comparison Between Offspring Of Stressed Versus Non-Stressed Parents

Robina Usman
Muhammad Omar Malik
Madiha Khattak
Syed Hamid Habib
Rifat Ullah Khan
Keywords: Early life stress, late life stress, restraint stress, adiponectin.


This study investigated the changes in adiponectin level in offspring of case and control parents after exposure to chronic stress at early, late and both early and late life stress. 130 healthy Wistar rats, 11 weeks of age were raised. Ten were sacrificed for baseline values. Parent generation was divided into case parents(n=70) and control parents (n=40). Only, case parents were exposed to chronic stressors for 21 days. Ten rats of case parents were sacrificed to find serum adiponectin (ELISA).   The remaining were bred in their respective groups with 6 rats per cage. Offspring of both the groups were exposed to chronic stress for three weeks, early life stress (ELS) at 5 weeks of age, late life stress (LLS), at 11 weeks of age, both early and late life stress (ELS+LLS) and results were compared. Open field test was carried out. Adiponectin (ng/ml) level was increased in all groups of case offspring compared to offspring of control parents. It was highest after both early and late life stress in case 31.87 (28.57-35.18) compared to control offspring,19.62 (14.30-24.94)(geometric means and confidence interval) with p < 0.01.  Increased adiponectin was observed in case compared to control offspring, also revealing anxiolytic behaviour in open field behavioural test

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