Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

An Assessment Of Economic-Security Of CPEC Project: Risk Factors And Strategic Advantages

Dr. Maryam Azam
Dr. Sadia Mahmood Falki
Keywords: CPEC, Pakistan, Economic nexus, national security, China.


This study frames that connectivity has always been a symbol of prosperity and development. States seeks networking to achieve socio-economic, political and strategic objectives. Pakistan is situated at the pivot of Asia which provides main choke point of connecting states through land and maritime corridor. In this context, China-Pakistan economic corridor is a flagship project in transforming Pakistan’s economic conditions and her placement in the geopolitics of the region. Therefore, CPEC project has economic, security and political implications for Pakistan. In the contemporary debates, the concept of security has a widen scope which incorporates the traditional defense related issues along with political, economic, human and environmental domains. This qualitative research intends to develop a risk and cost benefit analysis by analyzing CPEC project in the framework of economic security.


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