Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

A Review of the Relation and Vastness of Quranic Science and Modern Science, based on the Holy Quran

Dr. Humaira Khalil
Dr. Shazia
Dr. Farzana Iqbal
Dr. Muhammad Yaseen
Dr. Asia Shabbir
Keywords: Quran, Science, Modern Science, Mankind, Relation, Quran and Science.


The philosophy of life in Islam is not like that of other religions. Islamic teachings provide a complete guide to Islam in all stages of human life. The natural teachings of Islam have always illuminated the lights of reason, consciousness and awareness in the human mind and made it good and evil. It gave the skill of discernment to humanity. Islam has always shown the way of moderation while teaching the pursuit of scientific knowledge in life. In the early centuries of their journey, Muslims not only made a lot of progress in scientific sciences by thinking, but also to human beings and their behaviors. They also encouraged the conquest of the universe in the light of Quranic Injunctions. Therefore, some surprising inventions were also implemented in that period and solid foundations were provided to scientific sciences, on which the foundation of modern sciences was laid. There are countless verses in the Holy Quran through which Muslim scientists explored the vastness of modern sciences in relation with Quranic sciences. There was an incentive towards scientific research and as a result of this, mankind opened up new chapters of research and exploration by considering experimental verification as the criterion of access to reality.

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