Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Factors Affecting The Turnover Intention Of Subordinate Employees In The Banking Sector Of Sindh, Pakistan

Dodo Khan Alias Khalid Malokani
Dr. Abdul Subhan Kazi
Dr. Kinza Yousfani
Dr. Shoaib Ahmed Wagan
Dr. Ahsanullah Baloch
Dr. Shazia Kazi
Keywords: Higher education system, standard of education, teaching challenges, professional development, faculty perspectives.


Teachers in Pakistan's higher education system face a wide range of expectations and obstacles within its intricate ecosystem. It is essential to comprehend their viewpoints and experiences in order to address problems and raise the standard of education. In this area, the study "Faculty Perspectives on Teaching Challenges and Professional Development Needs in Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan: A Qualitative Study" explores the complex experiences and points of view of academic staff members in a range of disciplines and institutions. Through an emphasis on professional development requirements and teaching obstacles, the study aims to offer significant insights for improving higher education in Pakistan. In order to guarantee a thorough representation of faculty perspectives, purposeful sampling was used, taking into account elements including teaching experience, academic rank, and institutional affiliation. This approach made it easier to include different viewpoints, which allowed for a more complex comprehension of the research topic. Themes pertaining to resource scarcity, instructional innovation, and infrastructure inadequacies were identified through qualitative analysis. The survey also found that there is an urgent need for professional development, notably in the areas of pedagogy and technological integration. The examination revealed important themes that brought to light the major obstacles that faculty members must overcome, such as outmoded lab equipment, restricted access to research databases, and the requirement for creative teaching strategies. Innovative teaching strategies have become essential, with a focus on student-centered, interactive approaches that develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The report also emphasized how critical it is to provide training in technology integration so that people can successfully use digital tools. The study's findings highlight how crucial it is to make infrastructure investments, instructional innovations, and continual professional development in order to improve the quality of education. Infrastructure improvements, creative teaching methods, technological integration, and inter-institutional cooperation are given top priority in the recommendations. By putting these suggestions into practice, higher education institutions in Pakistan would be able to develop a culture of excellence, creativity, and constant growth while also empowering staff members and assisting students in succeeding.

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