Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Driving competitiveness through innovation & corporate social responsibility: Mediating Analysis

Dodo Khan Alias Khalid Malokani
Dr. Tayyaba Rafique Makhdoom
Dr. Noreen Hassan
Dr. Taskeen Zahra Buriro
Dr. Seema N. Mumtaz
Dr. Mansoor Ali Darazi
Keywords: Competitiveness, Green innovation, Corporate social responsibility, Banking sector, Sindh, Pakistan.


Corporate social responsibility as well as green innovation are engines that drive sustainable competitiveness. Over the course of the past few years, the significance of social responsibility and competition has been increasingly prominent. Fewer studies, have addressed intricate link that exists between competitiveness, sustainable innovation, and also their interaction with corporate social responsibilities. Most of the articles have described the connection that shows  linkage of green innovation, corporate social responsibility and banking industry competitiveness, while also including the function of green innovation as mediator. An innovative conceptual model was developed by employing structural equation modeling approach as foundation. The findings reveal corporate social responsibility has positive associations on competitiveness. Additionally, the green innovation acts as mediator between both the variables such as corporate social responsibility and competitiveness. These findings were obtained by assessing and analyzing 315 genuine questionnaires in useful condition obtained from respondents of National bank branches situated in Sindh, Pakistan. Ultimately, the management of the organization would improve green innovation and attain competitiveness in the banking industry through the implementation of corporate social responsibility principles.

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