Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Entrepreneurship On Formative Capital In Public University

Isabel Cristina Rincón Rodríguez
Jorge E. Chaparro Medina
Cruz García Lirios
Albeiro Beltrán Díaz
Keywords: COVID-19, Internet, Trolling, Stalking, Stashing, Texting, Bullying.


As of January 2024 the pandemic has limited opportunities for entrepreneurs. The objective of the study was to establish the networks of opportunities, motives, dispositions, ethics, pressures, challenges, reputation, images, identities, and behaviors related to entrepreneurship in the face of the health and economic crisis. A documentary, cross-sectional, and exploratory study was conducted with a selection of sources indexed to international repositories: Scopus, JCR, WoS, Latindex, Redalyc, Scielo, and Frontiers. A search was made for the keywords of opportunism, optimization, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The summaries corresponding to the pandemic period from November 2019 to November 2024 were considered. A structure of relationships between nodes and edges was found that suggests a neuronal learning that went from the dimension of pressure in the face of the pandemic to entrepreneurial identity. The centrality parameters that measure the distance between edges and nodes suggest that the dispositions are structured according to this principle of proximity. The grouping coefficients that indicate the structuring of the edges and nodes according to their dimensions suggest that the network is reconfigured from process innovation and resource optimization. The structure measure reflects the pressure concentration as the network input and the identity dimension as the network output. The centrality parameters that measure the distance between edges and nodes suggest that the dispositions are structured according to this principle of proximity. The grouping coefficients that indicate the structuring of the edges and nodes according to their dimensions suggest that the network is reconfigured from process innovation and recurs optimization. The structure measure reflects the pressure concentration as the network input and the identity dimension as the network output. In this way, the present study found a central and grouped structure in two dimensions of pressure and identity of entrepreneurship in the face of COVID-19 Delimitation to three dimensions of analysis corresponding to opportunities, optimizations, and innovations is recommended.

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