Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Digital Divide Between The Developed World And The Third World

Serhan Ahmed Al Tawalbeh
Afaf Abu Sirhan
Keywords: digital divide, third-world countries, developed countries, Arab countries.


This study aims to describe and explain the digital divide between developed and third-world countries and to identify the similarities and differences in the digital divide between developed and third-world countries. The digital divide refers to the difference in the accessibility and availability of Internet resources and computer-related technology between developed and third-world countries. This is because of a lack of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) resources that allow people and organizations to interact with each other. A comparative review of the literature was used that addressed: (1) the state of the digital divide between developed and third-world countries (especially the Arab nations), and (2) the similarities and differences between developed and third-world countries in this regard. The digital divide between third-world and developed countries is increasing day by day. Reasons for this are poor communication infrastructure, lack of Internet service providers, percentage of use of personal computers, and the deficit in Internet resources. There is both an internal disparity between urban and rural access to ICT, as well as an increase in the digital divide between developed and third-world countries. This analysis strengthens Arab literature, providing a further academic reference for researchers and specialists in the field.

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