Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Analyzing Significance And Challenges Of The English Language Needs Analysis In Freelancing Domain

Dr. Naeem Fatima
Dr. Humera Faraz
Dr. Nailah Riaz
Keywords: Need Analysis, English Language, Freelancers.


The present study is conducted to understand the significance of the English language as a needs analysis in the freelancing domain. Freelancing is the department where no investment is required, and unemployment can be minimized. The study is conducted to understand the English language skills significance and the problems faced by freelancers in the field of freelancing. The study is undertaken to understand all those factors that are related to the English language. The study is quantitative and has adopted the questionnaire of Romadhon (2023) which was employed for digital business skills. The model consists of 28 different questions, which are modified according to the requirements of the present study. The questionnaire is put before 30 freelancers. The data is analyzed through SPSS version 25 to understand the significance of the English language needs for the freelancer. The study has calculated the frequencies, percentages, and the mean values. The results of the study describe that the English language is considered important in the field of freelancing. the study has found that the English language need is not only one aspect but some different segments and sectors should be covered when the students have to be freelancers. These areas are documentation, comprehension, understanding the contextual meanings, listening skills, speaking skills, and meeting the required elements of clients. The study suggests that when people intend to do freelancing, then the freelancers should have the skills; required for them regarding the English language.

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