Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Christian religious scenes represented on the sarcophagi of Caesarean Mauritania- a -descriptive, iconographical and analytical study

Benallel Nacera
Tassakkourth Yamina
Keywords: sarcophagus, funerary art, marble, Christian iconography, Caesarean Mauritania..


The sarcophagi are considered among of the most important historical and archaeological documents that man has resorted to since ancient times to express his religious and funerary contents and his artistic prowess, whether these contents are related to religious or even daily life, such as mythological or Christian topics and other decorative topics, as most of them were found in areas and various archaeological sites in Algeria.

Through this research, we will attempt to study four models of sarcophagus found in coastal cities of Dellys and Cherchell, dating back to the late Roman period, where the latter occupies a very special place among the sarcophagiof its time, due to the themes on its front, which are closely linked to everything related to Christian events and its historical figures, wich referred to through ancient holy books such as the Torah and the Gospel. Its importance also lies in its artistic, decorative and technical value used on it, at a time when Christians were in desperate need of a multiplicity of practitioners of the profession of carving on sarcophagi on the one hand, and enriching topics related to the Christian religion of origin, on the other hand.

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