Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Women Empowerment, Mental Health, And Political Sustainability: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis In Pakistan

Dr. Moazama Anwar
Dr Tayba Anwar
Dr Sidra Karamat
Aysha Amber
Keywords: Women Empowerment, Mental Health, Political sustainability and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.


This study presents an in-depth Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) conducted in Pakistan that explores the interconnected constructs of women's empowerment, political sustainability, and mental health. In the study, lived experiences of eight women volunteers from different backgrounds rural and urban represent different age groups and socioeconomic statuses. Through semi-structured interviews and in-depth theme analysis, this study investigates the lived experiences, attitudes, and challenges these people faced navigating the complexities of gender roles, mental health, and political engagement within Pakistani society.

The IPA's findings highlight several important issues. First, participants in the discussion of women's empowerment suggest varying degrees of agency and empowerment in many areas of their lives, which are influenced by social standards, educational opportunities, and resource accessibility. Second, the participants discuss coping mechanisms, the stigma attached to mental health issues, and the ways in which society's expectations impact their psychological well-being with regard to mental sustainability. Thirdly, participants talk about their opinions on political institutions, their own political experiences, and their aspirations for a more inclusive and responsive political system in relation to political sustainability.

The examination of participant narratives highlights the intricate connections between these themes, emphasizing the relationship between mental health, political participation, and women's empowerment. The research adds to a better knowledge of the obstacles and possibilities that Pakistani women confront, providing information for advocacy and policy initiatives that support inclusive governance and sustainable development. To empower women and build a more just and sustainable society in Pakistan, some important proposals include promoting gender-sensitive legislation, boosting mental health support services, and expanding political inclusivity.

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