Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Threat Of Transmission Of Aedes Aegypti Diseases From Endemic To Sub-Endemic And Non-Endemic Areas.

Darwin Suárez Ariza
Dora Marcela Benítez Ramírez
Keywords: Threat, climate, epidemiology, vector..


The research entitled: Study Temporal Space of the Adaptation of the Aedes Aegypti in the western province of Boyacá, allowed us to identify the threat that the vector represents for the communities of the populated areas in the geographical corridor comprised by the municipalities of Puerto Boyacá, Otanche, San Pablo de Borbur, Pauna, and Chiquinquirá. Thence, a comparison mechanism was used from the epidemiological data collected in the departmental public health bulletins, climate data from the National Institute of Hydrology, and Meteorology and Environmental Studies. With this information, a homogeneous temporal analysis was carried out with the variables of precipitation, temperature, humidity, and cases of Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya. Therefore, a weekly time was defined, and a comparison was made between the change in climate conditions found in the study area and the case reporting of diseases recorded in the epidemiological surveillance system. When the correlation of the climatology and epidemiology variables is obtained, they are compared with the independent variable, which includes the orographic conditions of the territory, because this shows altitudinal changes in a length of 146 kilometers of a gradient of 2732 meters, located in the lowest ground level at 141 m a.s.l. in the municipality of Puerto Boyacá,  an endemic area for the vector to transmit arboviral diseases, passing to sub-endemic areas and reaching the highest level of 2873 m a.s.l. m in Chiquinquirá, a non-endemic area. Thus, the above allowed identifying the risk associated with the transmission of diseases in the different altitudinal ranges.

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