Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Personalisation Of The Learning Of The Administrative Process Through The Use Of Digital Resources Adapted To The Learning Styles Proposed By David Kolb

Ana Elizabeth González González
Carolina Castro Rodríguez
Flor Marlén Ávila Guerrero
Keywords: Learning, Learning Styles, Kolb, Digital Resources.


This study focused on exploring the learning styles of students enrolled in the National Learning Service (SENA) in Duitama, Boyacá, Colombia, in order to select digital educational resources that contribute to strengthen the learning of the administrative process. David Kolb's model and the CHAEA test were used to identify active, theoretical, reflective or pragmatic learning styles. Appropriate digital resources were categorized for each learning style. The methodology was mixed, including qualitative measures of participants' subjectivity. The results highlight the importance of adapting digital strategies and resources to improve educational quality in a personalized way, considering cultural, emotional, cognitive and personality factors. It is concluded that educators must adjust their pedagogical strategies and digital tools to address the diversity of learning styles, recognizing the inherent complexity of the educational process and the influence of multiple variables in the formation of students.

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