Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

E-Governance Success Model For Higher Educational Institutes Of Pakistan: A Comprehensive Framework Development

Dr. Shah Muhammad Butt
Dr. Stephen John
Engr. Shazia Feroz
Dr. Safdar Ali Shah
Ahmed Masaood Ansari
Ali Raza Mahesar
Abdul Hameed Shaikh
Keywords: e-governance, higher educational institutions, comprehensive framework and development..


The execution of e-governance in higher educational institutions in Pakistan has been a topic of apprehension in contemporary ages. Somehow in some institutions the available IT systems is underuse because of lack of training, of staff, while in other funding are not sufficient to get such equipment therefore, implementation of IT based system or e-governance has become a challenge for HEIs. To address these defies, based on research a comprehensive model for e-governance success in HEIs of Pakistan has been proposed. Various factors that influence the success of e-governance, including adequate funding, sufficient and well-trained IT staff, well-designed IT systems and infrastructure, effective governance and management processes, strong leadership, clear policies and standards, user-friendly technology, continuous training and support, and data security and privacy are given due consideration. A systematic and multi-disciplinary approach has been adopted and numerous consistent components are given due consideration. For the purpose previously published reports, research papers and research dissertations were critically reviewed to assess the factors or challenges faced by the universities in obtaining the formulated objectives.

The model comprises a chain of variables and aspects that are pertinent to the achievement of e-governance in HEIs of Pakistan. These variables and factors are linked to each other rationally and articulately, creating a network of interconnections that determination the achievement of e-governance. The model is also useful in monitoring and evaluating the progress of e-governance initiatives and in identifying areas for improvement. The study has important implications for policymakers, IT managers, and other stakeholders involved in the implementation of e-governance in HEIs of Pakistan, as the model provides a practical guide for implementing e-governance in HEIs of Pakistan and can help in fulfilling the specific needs and requirements of each HEI.

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