Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Impact Of Inclusive Education On Household Poverty In Pakistan

Yasir Javed
Saqib Aziz Sani
Zeeshan Munawar
Ishaque Ahmed
Tauqir Aamir
Keywords: inclusive education, alleviate poverty, well-being.


Inclusive education plays a significant role in alleviating household poverty and enhance well-being of all people particularly persons with disabilities. The aim of this study to highlight the impact of inclusive education on decreasing household poverty and increasing the well-being of persons with disabilities in Pakistan. The sample of 120 respondents was selected from 161 union councils of District Sargodha. In this study, multistage sampling was used to know the impact of each inclusive education variable on household poverty. Results of the study reveals that each inclusive educational variable has a negative relationship with household poverty. The use of statistical analysis of the data presents that as the level of inclusive education increase the marginal impact alleviate household poverty also increase. Moreover, the study identified that each inclusive education variable has positive association with alleviation of household poverty. So, this study suggests the impact inclusive education can alleviate poverty and enhance the well-being of all children.

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