Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Moderating Role Of Profession On The Relationship Between Workplace Spirituality And Organizational Commitment

Dr. Asma Sikandar
Dr. Tahira Parveen
Dr. Sehrish khan
Dr Asiya Saif Alvi
Warda Ijaz
Keywords: workplace spirituality, organizational commitment, employee, nurses and Profession.


Current study explores the role of profession (Nurses, university faculty and bank employees) as a moderator on the relationship between workplace spirituality and organizational commitment. Additionally, the study examined the predictive role of workplace spirituality in organizational commitment. Sample consists of (N=269) individuals from Pakistan's most developed and populous province, Punjab, have provided data for this study using a quantitative research method cross sectional survey design. The SPSS Process Macro was used to test moderation. Study advances understanding of workplace spirituality. The findings showed that workplace spirituality is a predictor of organizational commitment R2 = .41**. Findings indicate that profession has a significant influence on the relationship between workplace spirituality and organizational commitment P<.001. Additionally, the conditional effect demonstrates that university professors have a greater impact than do bank employees and nurses. Organizations should practice their stated core values and demands, so their employees can comprehend them, it will enable the organizations to meet their employees' spiritual needs and begin the process of going beyond self-interests and serving the greater good.

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