Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The constructive and cultural significance of children's literature

Dr. Shazia Razzaq
Dr. Naila Anjum
Dr. Noreen Razzaq
Dr. Shabnam Niaz
Rafia Zubair
Keywords: Nurturing, native, enchanting, engage, renowned, psychological, individuality, captivating, techniques.


Children are the essence of life, and nurturing them is crucial for a bright future. Among various methods of teaching and grooming, literature in their native language stands out as the most effective tool. Through enchanting stories, poetry and prose, we can engage, educate and nourish children according to the needs of the time. Many renowned poets have written for children and their writings are a great source of learning and teaching. The topics and techniques of these writings are according to the emotional, mental and psychological demand of the children. The children's Urdu literature has its own tradition and individuality. But all over the world children can enjoy and learn from it. Children's literature possesses unique and captivating beauty.

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