Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Exploring Varied Physical Activity Levels, Health Status, Happiness And Depression Among Elderly Individuals With Diabetes Of Pakistan: A Sociological Perspective

Hira Ahmad Farrah
Komal Riaz Cheema
Muhammad Razzaq
Dr. Ayesha Chaudhry
Azka Murtaza
Arfan Riasat
Keywords: physical activity, psychological well-being, happiness, depression, diabetes, health status.


Recent studies have shown that Pakistan is among the top 10 countries worldwide for diabetes prevalence. 26.3 million adults in Pakistan have diabetes. In Pakistan, a gradual increment in the population of older people has been noticed in the past few years. It is calculated that in the next 25 years, 16% of the population of Pakistan will be 65 years old and above. Being physically active is critical in avoiding and managing diabetes among older people. The purpose of this study was to dissect the relationship between varying levels of physical activity (mild, adequate, intense), bodily well-being, level of joy, and signs of depression among old diabetics. This study used a mixed-method technique, mixing quantitative inspection of being physically active and overall well-being of older individuals with diabetes with qualitative examination of subjective welfare. This study included 250 participants of age 50 and above from different cities of Punjab. A Google questionnaire was used for in-depth questioning. Results showed that medium and hard physical activities are more effective for maintaining normal blood glucose levels, better physical health, reducing depression, and promoting happiness in old diabetic patients. This study recommends that health trainers and therapists working with old diabetic individuals should motivate them to take part in moderate to challenging physical activities and also adjust the level of physical activities according to the individual's body needs. It is well known that physical activity is not only associated with physical well-being but also emotional and psychological well-being. Being physically active produces dopamine and serotonin hormones associated with happiness.

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