Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Constructing The Other: A Critical Discourse Analysis Of Ukrainian- Russian War In Western Press

Dr. Faiza Latif
Shahza Zaidi
Dr. Shahida Naz
Usman Idrees
Muhammad Arslan
Shehr Yar
Shahzad Ali
Keywords: critical discourse analysis (CDA), media portrayal, Russia-Ukraine war, Ukraine, Russia, framing techniques, narrative construction.


The portrayal of Russia and Ukraine in Western media during the first month of the Russia-Ukraine War (February 24th–March 24th, 2022) is examined in this research. This study adopted a qualitative research design. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a theoretical framework that directs the examination of discursive tactics used in news headlines. The main goal of the research is to investigate how framing strategies, language choices, and the construction of "us" vs. "them" narratives influence media depictions of the war. A purposive data collection approach was utilized. The study technique examined headlines from prominent Western news sites using CDA. News headlines from The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and The Times (UK). We then scrutinized the news headlines for specific word choices, framing strategies, and the identities created for Russia and Ukraine. The results show that Western media portray Russia as the norm-breaker and aggressor, while portraying Ukraine as the helpless victim of Russia's aggression. This is in line with larger geopolitical narratives that encourage democracy and emphasize the danger that Russia poses. This research has enhanced our understanding of how the media portrays international conflicts. By questioning media representations, audiences may gain a better understanding of complicated current events.

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