Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Role of Hadith in Islamic Medical Ethics

Laraib Zahid
Dr. Muhammad Hammad
Rabia Unber Malik
Dr. Hafisa Saeed
Dr. Rohullah
Keywords: Hadith, Islamic medical ethics, ethical principles, religious teachings.


The major influence of Hadith on Islamic medical ethics and education is examined in this article. In addition to the Qur'an, the Hadith serves as a fundamental source of guidance in Islamic tradition, giving moral principles and recommendations for those working in the medical field and in education. It gives a summary of the fundamental ideas behind Islamic medical ethics and education, placing special emphasis on how religious teachings can be used to cultivate moral behavior, compassion, and knowledge.

In order to show the applicability of prophetic traditions to current medical and educational conundrums, the article highlights a few hadiths that speak to ethical issues in healthcare and education. It investigates the legitimacy and interpretation of the Hadith while taking into account the function of scholars and the significance of scholarly agreement. The paper also addresses how Hadith is being included in the medical ethics and education curriculum, demonstrating how it can help students develop their moral judgment, professionalism, and character. It acknowledges probable objections and difficulties, such as misunderstandings, and suggests solutions to these issues.

The article's methodology is a synthesis of qualitative and descriptive research methods. In order to highlight the continued significance of Hadith in directing ethical behavior and knowledge acquisition in medical and educational contexts, the paper finishes by offering studies that exemplify the practical uses of Hadith in medical ethics and education. To expand the comprehension and use of Hadith in Islamic medical ethics and education, it calls for additional research, integration, and discussion.

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