Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Configuration Of The Individual Context Level: Case Of Smes In The Tourism Sector Of Boyacá.

Carlos Orlando Parra Penagos
Luis Carlos Nova Santos
Iván Darío Toro Jaramillo
Keywords: Individual, Employment, Career, Human Resource Development, Satisfaction, Commitment.


The purpose of this article is to construct the individual context-level settings. To this end, the case study methodology was used, applied to SMEs in the tourism sector, specifically with hotels. This study took human resources managers/managers and employees as a sample unit through interviews and focus groups. From there, it was necessary to carry out a conceptual construction based on the articles of scientific journals. In addition, a contextual construction was necessary, with the help of specialized software. From the establishment of two dimensions of the Individual Context Level, it was found that two categories emerged that complement and allow us to understand the configuration of this level. Similarly, the relationship between the categories and the corresponding dimensions. Finally, we conclude about the base configuration and the two configurations that complement it from the dimensions and their emergent categories of the Individual Context Level.

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