Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Psychological Distress, Social Support, And Quality Of Life In Infertile Women Of Pakistan

Dr. Abida Kareem
Ms. Samra Anwar
Dr. Rabia Maryam
Ms. Ansa Talib
Dr. Abid Ali
Dr. Muhammad Naveed Riaz
Ms. Abida Ajad
Ms. Hira Aish
Dr. Naila Batoo
Keywords: Psychological distress Social Support Quality of Life Infertility Pakistan.


Aims: The purpose of this study was to examine the association between psychological distress, social support, and quality of life (QOL) among Pakistani infertile women.

Methods: Participants in the study included 200 women, ages 22 to 40 years (M=37.26 SD=4.54), who had been diagnosed with primary infertility. Psychological distress, social support, and QOL of infertile women were measured by the Psychological Distress Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and WHO Quality of Life- BREF Scale respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient was utilized to ascertain the interaction between the variables. To evaluate the mediating effect of social support on psychological distress and quality of life, a mediation analysis was also carried out.

Results: Findings indicated that psychological distress was found to be negatively correlated with perceived social support and QOL. Whereas perceived social support was significantly positively linked with QOL. The association between psychological distress and QOL was partially mediated by perceived social support.

Conclusions: In women with primary infertility, psychological distress was negatively connected with QOL, and perceived social support was found partial mediator between these interactions. To improve the QOL of Pakistani infertile women, the current study highlighted the urgent need to develop treatment plans to decrease distress and fortify social support.

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