Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Global Language Dominance And Poverty: A Comparative Analysis Of Pakistan And Other Nations

Dr. Farhat Jabeen Virk
Dr. Fouzia Sahar Malik
Surayya Naz
Keywords: Global Language, Pakistan, India, Nigeria, Economic Development, Job Opportunity, Poverty China, Germany.


This research paper aims to compare Pakistan's experience with the impact of a global language on poverty with that of other countries. The study investigates common trends and unique challenges faced by Pakistan, drawing lessons for policymakers. The research employs a multidimensional approach, considering economic, educational, and socio-cultural aspects to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between global language dominance and poverty. Language education and skill development are critical components of societal progress, fostering individual growth and contributing to economic development. This paper recommends initiatives to enhance language education and skill development programs, with a focus on ensuring equal access for all segments of society. These initiatives aim to address disparities and create inclusive pathways for diverse communities to thrive in the rapidly changing global landscape.

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