Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Role Of Media In Promotion Of Pakistani English

Asma Iqbal
Warda Mehak
Nayab Zafar
Keywords: Pakistani English, Role of Media, Dramas, vocabulary choices.


The world has essentially become a global village due to the emergence of the information revolution and the spread of mass media. In terms of information from TV, radio, and newspapers, it connects to both the national and global processes. It addresses the difficulties as well. Due to the development of science and technology, as well as recent advancements in this manner of speaking. The research analyzed the impact of media in the promotion of Pakistani English. The researcher analyzed the data and find the impact of media on the language learning skill of ESL learners. Questioners and interviews were used to collect the sample and university students from different geographical backgrounds will fill that questioner. Teachers were also interviewed to get the more authentic data. English can play a uniting role in integrating the country by being introduced to the underserved sectors of society through electronic and print media. The results show that maximum students used English language vocabulary which they learnt through media. Students hear those words and use them in their daily routine conversation. Media left an irreplaceable impact on the student’s verbal choices.  

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