Harbours Of Influence: Gwadar Vs. Piraeus-A Comparative Analysis
China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a top-tier scheme of political economy. This research paper aims to analyze China's BRI strategy by comparing the goals, implementation and outcomes of two current flagship projects of BRI: Gwadar Port (CPEC) and Piraeus Port. This research paper employed secondary data from official government websites and credible news outlets to conduct a comparative analysis. This research concluded that China’s BRI strategy is built along the lines of neo-realism, hence, pure economic interest but China has incorporated its geo-political motives in it too. The BRI strategy focuses on operationalizing the bare minimum of each project to benefit China quickly while all the lucrative benefits promised to the partnering nations take a back seat and even these aspects of BRI-associated projects are used up for the Chinese betterment first while the ignorance of local sentiments tends to shape up a negative narrative for China. Moreover, China does not have a working plan in place to overcome possible hurdles for projects which causes delays and local grievances. Also, there is exploitation of local labour and environment-damaging practices. To improve its BRI strategy, China needs to pay more attention towards making its projects more sustainable and change its stance on being environmentally conscious and providing good working conditions. In addition, China should be more efficient and transparent while fulfilling the promises to the partnering nations and make case-specific plans of action regarding the tackling of hurdles towards the development of projects.