Analyzing ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ from the Perspective of Derrida’s Deconstruction
Hafiz Imran Nawaz
Prof. Dr. Asadullah Larik
‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ is a masterpiece composed by Robert Frost. Many critics have discussed this poem from every possible perspective which makes the poem more complex in finding the actual meaning of the poem. Deconstruction is related to close reading as it points out all the inconsistencies, flaws, contradictions, ambiguity, oppositional ideas, and incompleteness of a text. There is no fixed meaning of the text due to binary opposition and it determines that other possible meanings come from inside the text. These differences can be structural, syntactic, semantic and phonological. Deconstruction makes the text free from the authority of the author. This study analyzes and breaks down the poem to get other possible meanings. The title doesn’t give a proper sense. The speaker of the poem is confused as he asks a question about the owner of the woods and then gives the answer that he knows the owner. The speaker assumes the meaning of the harness bell that the horse is asking about the farm house as he doesn’t mention how he gets the assumption of the farm house. In the last stanza, the speaker says that he has some responsibilities to comply and he acts against his words along with that he doesn’t move from the spot. The researcher also focuses on other related research articles to support the topic under study.