Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Citizen Participation And Participatory Budget Management In The Tacabamba District Municipality, 2021.

Wilder Omar Vargas Campos
Juan de Dios Aguilar Sánchez
Edi Rojas Campos
Vercely Visney Sánchez Vásquez
Sara Judith Terán Leiva
Keywords: Citizen participation, administrative participation, social participation, participatory management, management and participatory budgeting..


The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between citizen participation and participatory budget management in the Tacabamba District Municipality, 2021; a study with a quantitative approach, basic type, non-experimental - transversal design, correlational level, developed under the parameters of the hypothetical-deductive method, with a sample population of 71 participating agents with voice and vote; who through the survey technique answered two questionnaires with an ordinal Likert-type scale: the first comprised 12 items that collected information on the variable citizen participation in the dimensions: political, administrative and social, and the second comprised 12 items that obtained information on the variable participatory budget in the dimensions: citizen management, education and institutional budgetary organisation; the results indicate that there is an average citizen participation and an average participatory budget; the contrastation of hypotheses after the normality test, by means of the analysis of Spearman's Rho Coefficient, establishes a regular positive relationship of 0. 515 with a statistical significance of 0.000 less than 0.05 error, showing that citizen participation has a direct and significant relationship, demonstrating that the greater the citizen participation, the greater the participatory budget obtained; consequently, the hypothesis was accepted.

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