Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Legal Mechanisms within the Framework of Administrative Contracts to Prevent Conflict of Interest (Comparative Study)

Dr. Amal Mohamed Hamza
Keywords: Conflict of Interest, Public Official, Administrative Contract, Government Contracting, Tenders and Auctions, Competitions and Procurements.


Conflict of interest is associated with financial and administrative corruption and is considered an important issue with multiple dimensions and legal rules governing it. It is important in this research to determine the target group for the study, and we will address the legal regulation to reduce conflicts of interest within the framework of administrative contract laws, focusing on the legal rules for public officials responsible for applying government tendering and auction laws in the study countries.

And this research will answer an important question which is: How adequate are the restrictions imposed on employees working in government contracts, and how consistent are they with the rules for concluding administrative contracts and achieving their principles to reduce and eliminate conflicts of interest? This will be clarified through a legal analysis of the topic. The study concluded several results and recommendations.

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