Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Mediating Role of Organizational Performance in the Relationship between Strategic Partnerships & Sustainable Development Goals for Saudi Institutions

Dr. Mohammed Abdulaziz Al-Mansour
Dr. Mahmoud Abdelmuty Hashim Abdelhameed
Dr. Salwa Dirar Awad
Dr. Alwia Saeed Osman Zubair
Keywords: Strategic Partnerships & Organizational Performance, Sustainable Development Goals, Al-ahli Bank in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia..


The study aimed to investigate The Mediating Role of Organizational Performance in the Relationship between Strategic Partnerships & Sustainable Development Goals for Saudi Institutions at Al-ahli Bank in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.                                                               

The study followed the descriptive analytical method. The study sample consist of (75) Leadership Members. The results indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between Strategic Partnerships & Sustainable Development Goals with correlation coefficient of (0.812). They also show that Organizational Performance partially mediates the relationship between Strategic Partnerships & Sustainable Development Goals with an indirect effect of (0.834). The study recommended there is a need to increase Managers at Al-ahli Bank awareness in the importance of Strategic Partnerships and Improving Organizational Performance to reflect on achieving Sustainable Development Goals for the Bank.

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