Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Role of Intelligence in Superstitiousness among University Students

Dr. Syeda Razia Bukhari
Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Haroon ur Rashid
Ms. Hira Ali Riyasat
Ms. Asma Razzaq
Ms. Tehmina Shehryar Khan
Dr Taraq Waheed
Ms. Ambreen Shah
Keywords: Superstitiousness, Intelligence, (DAP-IQ), & University Students.


The research aims to investigate and understand the relationship between superstitious beliefs among university students. A quantitative study was conducted on 350 postgraduate students, using survey methods. DAP: IQ Test  and Superstitious scales were used in the study. The results showed that people who have higher intelligence tend to have lower superstitiousness Furthermore, an independent t-test showed that female have higher intelligence levels than male and therefore lower superstitious beliefs. The limitations included students’ cearlessness  while administering DAP: IQ Test.  Similarly, since superstitious beliefs have different categories, students mixed those beliefs with spirituality therefore the generalizability of results is compromised. For future research, it is advised to have a bigger sample and to debrief participants for each scale.

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