Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Impact of Quality of Family Life on School Burnout in South Punjab, Pakistan: Mediating Role of Academic Emotions

Shagufta Bibi
Aafia Rasool, Tahira Rafiq
Malik Mureed Hussain
Abdul Sattar Ghaffari
Keywords: Academic emotions, Maslach burnout inventory, Beach center family quality of life and students.


Education is vital aspect for every human but no one takes care about behavioral and emotional problems faced by students which leads to school burnout. This study explains the effects of the quality of family life on school burnout mediating role of academic emotions. The highlights the most sensitive issues of school burnout and how it influences the performance of a student. There are 813 students sampled from of southern Punjab, Pakistan. Academic emotions, Maslach burnout and Beach center family quality of life scales utilized in this study. Significant correlation found among variables also significance differences found among the variables on the basis of demographic variables. Furthermore, academic emotions partially mediate the relationship between quality of family life and school burnout.


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