Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Social and Economic Rights of Non-Muslims in Prophetic Treaties and its Effects: (An Analytical Study)

Dr. Hafiz. M. Mudassar Shafique
Dr. Sadia Noreen
Dr.Akbar Ali
Dr. Anwarullah
Keywords: Prophetic treaties, Social rights, Economic rights, Non-Muslims.


There are certain rules and regulations to run the administration of the state, on the basis of which it is easy for the people living in it to live. If there are no rules and regulations, then the state system will be disrupted. In general, there are people of different classes and different nations and people of different religions living in the state. The best example of this is the country of Pakistan, where there is a significant number of non-Muslims. The debate on the rights of Non-Muslims requires an understanding of the Islamic perspective on human rights. Therefore, it is important that the agreements made with polytheists, Jews and Christians during the time of the Prophet and the guarantees of security given to Non-Muslims should be made to convince the Pakistani society so that the minority community can feel peace here. It can be hoped that tolerance can be promoted at the levels of law and society based on the Prophetic principles of coexistence in Pakistani society. In this article, social and economic rights of Non-Muslims are discussed under the prophetic treaties when the state of Madinah established

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