Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Philosophy of Renewal in Shaping Human Thought in the Islamic Society According to Malek Bennabi

Sellali Mourad
Mustapha Abdellah
Keywords: Malik Bin Nabi, Philosophy, Renewal, Islamic Thought, Society, Humanity..


The thinker Malik bin Nabi placed great importance on shaping human thought and building contemporary society from a modern Islamic perspective. He continued the path initiated by his predecessors in the fields of advocacy, guidance, and direction. He provided us with a clear theory that revolves around directing individuals towards progress through ethical guidance, which represents a significant part of acquiring culture, especially behavioral education obtained through upbringing and education. Malik bin Nabi emphasizes that education is the foundation of development and the construction of Islamic thought, which focuses on work and exerting efforts for societal development. He discourages stagnation, laziness, and lethargy, as these are not qualities of a Muslim. He also emphasizes the importance of building a communicative social relationship system that connects people and contributes to global unity. He underscores that Islam rejects discrimination and isolation while encouraging community. Therefore, Islam is considered the future of the new world.


- Introduction to the life of Malik bin Nabi.

- His wisdom in analyzing social phenomena.

Firstly: The role of Reason in Constructing and Developing Human Thought

- Education and upbringing as the foundation of human thought construction.

- Islamic teachings as a source of education and upbringing in Muslim society.

- Human communication contributes to the development of human thought.

Secondly: Intellectual Exertion as a Source of Development in Islamic Society

- What is intellectual exertion?

- Islamic ethics as the basis of intellectual exertion in the role of the Islamic society.

- Intellectual exertion as the foundation of renewal in the Islamic society.

Thirdly: The Importance of Renewal in Human Thought and its Necessity for Building Civilization

- What is renewal according to Malik bin Nabi?

- Renewal as the core of civilizational construction.

- Islamic civilization as the future of humanity.


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