Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Dyslexia: A Review about a Disorder that Still Needs New Approaches and a Creative Education

Dr. Syeda Razia Bukhari
Ms. Tuba Zafar
Ms. Amber Gillani
Ms. Maria Bi Bi
Ms. Fatima Jabbar
Ms. Sobia Shah
Keywords: Dyslexia, Interventions, Neurophysiology, Early Monitoring, Education, Teachers, Systematic Review..


Objectives: Examining various dyslexia interventions and their effectiveness in improving literacy skills, emphasizing the need for ongoing research and technology-based solutions published within the last ten years (2013-2023).Methods: Analyzed eight studies covering diverse dyslexia aspects, including neurophysiology, early monitoring, educational strategies, and teacher perceptions.Results: Key insights include the importance of early monitoring, neurophysiological and genetic factors, effectiveness of interventions, and positive teacher attitudes.Conclusion: Emphasizes multifaceted dyslexia nature and highlights ongoing research, technology use, and positive teacher attitudes in successful interventions.

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