Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Talks On Physics Education, A Space Of Dialogical Learning For Professors And Researchers

Ramírez Díaz, Mario Humberto
Escobar Moreno, Fabiola
Ruiz Mendoza, Juan Carlos
Keywords: Physics education, teachers training, dialogical learning.


This article presents the results of an investigation whose objective was to describe an experience of dialogical learning that involved students, graduates, and researchers in a discussion space called “Talks on Physics Education” (TPE), which revolved around the products of inquiries in the framework of the didactics of Physics. In addition, adopting a qualitative focus based on Grounded Theory, our research responds to the question: How are these TPE influeninge dialogical learning (DL) among professors and researchers in the disciplinary field of Physics Education? We conclude that empirical evidence based on the perceptions of the speakers involved reveals a tendency toward the TPE becoming an effective space for dialogical learning on the didactics of Physics.

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