Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Development of Engagement Skills In Learning Among University Students Through Generative Artificial Intelligence Applications (Chat GPT)

Ahmed Sadek Abdelmagid
Department of Educational Technology, College of Education-King Khalid University, Abha-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Naif Mohamed Jabli
Department of educational technology - College of Education - King Khalid University, Abha - kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Chat GPT, Generative Artificial Intelligence AI, Engagement in Learning..


By creating an interactive online learning environment based on the edX Digital platform's integration with a few generative artificial intelligence applications, the present research aims to increase university students' engagement skills in learning and their sense of digital trust. In order to do this, a sample of undergraduate students from King Khalid University's College of Education was chosen at random and split into two groups: Another empirical group, consisting of 29 students, utilized the Blackboard platform, whereas the first empirical group, consisting of 28 students, used the edx platform with certain generative artificial intelligence applications. To examine the research data, a "T" test, a digital trust scale, and an engagement in learning scale were developed. According to the study, the edX Digital platform performs better than the Blackboard platform when it comes to establishing learning engagement skills when it integrates with certain generative artificial intelligence technologies. The results also revealed that there is no statistically significant distinction in the development of digital trust skills between the Blackboard platform and the integration of the edx Digital platform with certain applications of Generative artificial intelligence among College of Education students.

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