Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Expressive Techniques and Spirit of Chinese Landscape Painting with Brush and Ink

Yongliang Liu
Faculty of Decorative Arts of Silpakorn University, Bangkok 10200, Thailand. PhD of Silpakorn University, Bangkok 10200, Thailand. Associate professor of Anhui university of Arts, Hefei 230011, China,
Sone Simatrang
Faculty of Decorative Arts of Silpakorn University, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Veerawat Sirvesmas
Faculty of Decorative Arts of Silpakorn University, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Eakachat Joneurairatana
4Faculty of Decorative Arts of Silpakorn University, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Keywords: landscape painting,technical expression,brush and ink spirit, Chinese painting ;aesthetics.


After thousands of years of development, Chinese landscape painting has formed its own unique painting language and brushstroke techniques, and formed its unique painting program and brushstroke spirit. In terms of the content expressed in the landscape, painting techniques and expression methods such as tree technique, stone technique, and water technique have been formed. In the process of painting, brush and ink techniques such as hook, crack, wipe, dot, and dye have also been formed. Artists create art through the use of brushes and ink., brush and ink are not just material media, but the elements formed by the use of brush and ink materials and techniques in the painting are always the expression of the artist's emotions and spirit. Different elements and compositions of brushwork create different emotional factors, and the brushwork expressions of different artists form their unique styles, which is the expression of the artist's brushwork spirit. This spirit of brushwork and ink comes from the ideological concepts and aesthetic tastes formed by artists in the process of understanding natural landscapes and social life, as well as from the knowledge and education level of artists.

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