Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Experiences of Success, Failure and Health Practices among Young Swimmers: Suggestions Orientation Towards International

Ghaid Mandob Obeidat
Assistance professor, Faculty of physical Education and Sport Sciences, Swimming, Yarmouk University
Yaser Mohamad Ali Tilfah
Assistance professor, Faculty of physical Education and Sport Sciences, Sports psychology, Yarmouk University
Islam "Mohammad qadri" Ahmad Abbas
Assistance professor, Sport science departments, Sport science faculty, Arab American university
Khaled M Alzyoud
Assistance professor /Faculty of physical Education and Sport Sciences, Sports psychology, Yarmouk University
Zaid Ahmad Loubani
Assistance professor /Faculty of physical Education and Sport Sciences, Swimming, Yarmouk University
Keywords: Success Experiences, Failure Experiences, Healthy Habits, Young Swimmers, Jordan..


The experiences of success and failure in sports are among the important motives of great importance that have an impact on the athletic level of juniors and swimming champions at high levels in sports competitions to achieve victory and achieve the best results. Competition and obtaining advanced positions in the sport of swimming. The study was applied in Al-Hussein Youth City in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on a sample of (25) young adolescent swimmers of different sexes in the Jordanian national swimming teams, with an average age of (17 ± 1.45), who had experienced international competition. For swimming competitions, where they were chosen randomly from among the swimmers whose consent was obtained to participate in the study, and after obtaining approvals from them and their parents. The analytical descriptive method was used, due to its suitability to the objectives and nature of the study, and the results showed that there are factors associated with the level of experiences of success and failure, and hidden factors such as healthy habits, which may be related to the absence of changes in negative mood states and the duration of sleep, which is possible in the final success in competition, and to prepare swimmers High-level global swimmers better cope with competition-induced stress. They assess anxiety and depression and are useful for better distinguishing swimmers.

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