Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Investigating the Problems of English Language Teachers and Learners in Digital Era

Dr. Muhammad Safdar Bhatti
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur-Pakistan,
Nasreen Bokhari
Sibling Academy of Quality Education Bahawalpur-Pakistan
Zahida Parveen Rafique
Sibling Academy of Quality Education Bahawalpur-Pakistan
Misbah Bokhari
Sibling Academy of Quality Education Bahawalpur-Pakistan
Fatima Khalid
Sibling Academy of Quality Education Bahawalpur-Pakistan
Maria Noor
Department of English, The Govt. Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur-Pakistan
Keywords: Language learning problems, pedagogical skills, digital technologies, Global, Investigating..


English is taught as a compulsory subject in Pakistani educational institutions. Many efforts have been made to boost up the standard of English Language teaching and learning. The main objectives were to investigate the problems English language teachers and learners face in the digital era, use of digital technologies by English language teachers and correlation between the indicators of teachers’ language teaching problems and their use of digital technologies. Self-developed instrument, “English Language Teachers Problems and Digital Technology Survey [ELTPDT] was used.  The results explained a statistically significant relationship among all indicators of English teachers’ language learning problems and the types of digital technologies they used. The language teachers used music videos, audio listening exercises, educational websites, collaborative tools, smartphones, and tablets during their lectures. It was evident that lack of professional development, overcrowded classes, unfamiliarity with technology, use of traditional pedagogies, and lack of parental support were the major problems faced by the English language teachers. The fruitful results were not achieved unless English language teachers were equipped with digital technologies.

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