Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Impact of Metamemory Skills and Cognitive Load on Mindfulness among College Students

Waslallah Abdullah Alsuwat
Taif University, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: metamemory skills, cognitive load, mindfulness, Taif University.


This study aimed to identify the association of metamemory skills and cognitive load to mindfulness and to examine the effect of the interaction between metamemory skills and cognitive load on mindfulness among students at Taif University. The study sample comprised 594 male and female students at Taif University. The researcher developed the Metamemory Skills Scale and the Mindfulness Scale. Also, Al-Feil's (2013) Cognitive Load Scale was adopted. The findings revealed a positive significant relationship between metamemory skills and mindfulness and a negative significant relationship between cognitive load and mindfulness among Taif University students. The findings also showed no significant effect of the interaction between metamemory skills and cognitive load on mindfulness. The researcher set several recommendations in light of the findings of the study.

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