Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Future of Vertical Farming in Oman as a Vehicle for Boosting Entrepreneurship

Henry Jonathan
Faculty of Business & Economics, Modern College of Business and Science, Muscat, Oman,
Hesham Magd
Associate Dean for Projects Development, and Phd Program Director, Modern College of Business and Science, Muscat, Oman
Keywords: Farming, Oman, Weather, GCC, Population, Vertical, Agriculture..


According to World Bank reports released in 2021, Oman has only 4% of the total population employed in agriculture, resulting in only 2% of the country’s GDP due to the country’s high dependence on one source of income. To accommodate the rising demand for food production from the growing population and to reduce dependence on food imports, sustainably promoting agriculture is critical to the region. The study aims to understand the scope of vertical farming in Oman and assess the significance of vertical farming promotion in Oman, especially to remain self-dependent on food and to reduce imports. Oman with other GCC countries has recently embarked on vertical farming to explore the practice of cultivating vegetables and fruit crops to meet local food demands. The study identified key drivers, opportunities and frameworks for future growth of vertical farming in Oman and GCC countries. Central to these are common challenges the GCC region has to emphasize besides the benefits vertical farming can offer to the economy. Moreover, the government along with investors should identify sustainable strategies for creating demand for local farm produce to improve the self-sufficiency ratio and food security in the present scenario. Among those include making efforts to engage unemployed youth by offering technical and financial support to begin a career in vertical farming as entrepreneurship opportunities.

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